Unauthorized Client
An unauthorized client is a wireless device that has not connected to the network or been approved for use. Unauthorized clients are often found in environments without policies in place or equipment to detect wireless activity.

Rogue Client
A rogue client is an unauthorized device that has been found communicating and accessing an authorized network. Rogue clients are considered a serious security risk since malicious users can connect them to a network from inside or outside the enterprise.

Accidental Association
An accidental association is when an authorized device connects to an unauthorized AP because of the wireless network’s configuration to search for all other networks. While both are security concerns, accidental associations can either be malicious or non-malicious.

Neighboring Access Point
A neighboring AP could be an AP that is physically outside the enterprise perimeter but still transmitting into your airspace. Neighboring APs are commonly found in multi-tenant buildings and pose little to no security risk.

Unauthorized Access Point
An unauthorized AP is an access point that has been seen operating in your airspace but has not been authorized to do so. Unauthorized access points can be neighboring devices or set up by outside users for malicious attacks.

Rogue Access Point
A rogue access point is an unauthorized AP that is attached to your authorized network infrastructure. Unlike an unauthorized AP, a rogue AP poses a greater threat because it is connected to your network. Once the AP is connected to the network, malicious users can gain access to the wired infrastructure through the air.